Hi! I'm a software engineer and I make things (supposedly)

For a SAAS Provider:

Organisation Details Page A single page application for editing business-related account information.
organisation details page preview Typescript
.NET Core
React Hook Form
A rich webform with a few complex components.
Includes address search and SMS verification.
Instant validation feedback with RHF.

For a Civil Engineering Firm:

Florin Report Generator A fully data-driven & workbook independent automated report generation system.
florin settings preview VBA
Turns template workbooks into report generators, with PDF/Table output.
Generated 300+ PDF reports from one template & input table without user intervention.
Configured via GUI, saved in a bespoke key-value DB made from named ranges and custom properties.
Options for sheet & row visibility, autofit, inserting images.
Can temporarily duplicate sheets for >1 page per template.
florin settings preview

Sovereign VBA Library A library that improves the usability of VB6, VBA, VBA-Excel, and VBA-Word.
sovereign preview VBA
Improves collection handling, null-checking, string manipulation.
Adds a system for meaningful sub returns.
Validated range data with size & shape constraints.
Refeditor that provides user feedback on the shape and validity of the range.
Range editor that supports ranges spanning multiple sheets.

Silver, Report Writer's Assistant A data-driven data manipulation & report-filling add-in for Word online.
silver preview Typescript
Parses CSV and XLSX files, extracts data & outputs into Word
JSON-powered configuration per-field with aggregation, conditions, etc.
Outputs to Word fields or HTML cards.

For myself: modding the game Minecraft in Java

Minecraft is a real-time multiplayer 3D video game, meaning all systems are heavily event-driven.
Mods for Minecraft (implemented using the trait and bytecode-weaving framework Mixin) often require client-server networking implementations and a focus on performance.

These projects are open-source - licensed as LGPLv3, as is standard for GPL minecraft mods. A full repository of my work can be found on Modrinth.

Surveyor Map Framework A heavy-duty framework for creating world-map and minimap mods.
surveyor map comparison Java
Scans the world as it generates, creating a thin slice for top-down maps.
Stores its data in a bespoke universally-applicable format.
Uniquely allows map data to be generated on the server.
Tracks individual player exploration of the world.
Enables live map sharing & client data restoration.
surveyor save format example

Switchy Player Profiles An addon-driven, modular, swappable player profiles mod
switchy profiles preview Java
Enables anything from outfit changes to multi-character RPG setups.
Support for per-profile inventories, locations, etc.
Leverages the existing ecosystem of established mods for player customizations.
E.g. nicknames, skins, player accessories, RPG classes.
All settings configurable on a per-player level.
switchy modules preview


scrapped-games/ A collection of jam-like games made a long time ago in VB.Net, Java, and C++.